Persepolis Test Answers

Found 8678 results for: Persepolis Test Answers

[GET] Persepolis Test Answers | HOT!

It's not a miracle potion, but little by little you can solve problems in the 'basement' of a country, not on the surface. That is why I wanted people in other countries to read Persepolis, to see that I grew up just as other children do. The...

Found: 24 May 2021 | Rating: 95/100

[FREE] Persepolis Test Answers | HOT

In order to analyze cultures outside the United States, students must first reflect on their own values, reflect on how those values were formed, and then must question them. The goal for this unit is for students to discover a wider global lens by...

Found: 24 May 2021 | Rating: 98/100

Marjane Satrapi : Persepolis Quiz

I find there are certain texts that seem to speak to particular groups of students in both immediate and powerful ways on their own. Books that get students excited about discussing both inside and outside the classroom are the books I want to teach. After speaking with my English Department Chairperson, we decided to add a graphic novel to our curriculum. In different accounts, Persepolis is referred to using different terms: i. For the sake of clarity and consistency, I will refer to the text as a graphic-novel-memoir as New York Times writer Dave Itzcoff did in a article.

Found: 27 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

One College One Book: Welcome To OCOB 2013

First, we do not have any books about the Middle East in our English department collection. In my ninth-grade class, we read several young-adult novels that my students find extremely enjoyable, such as The Secret Story of Sonia Rodriguez by Alan Sitomer and Copper Sun by Sharon Draper; but we were lacking a graphic novel. Second, I taught Persepolis once during my student-teaching experience and another time in a Freshmen English Recovery evening class.

Found: 7 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100

Point Of View In Persepolis By Marjane -

As I observed the students reading this book, I found that there was something unique about the ways in which they seemed to fluidly absorb the reading and easily engage in discussion of complex topics. Also, they were excited about learning about a culture that is so different from their own. After reflecting on the ways I have taught this book in the past, I realize I have been merely skimming the surface of what was possible with this text. Because the book is so engaging, the boundaries of learning can be pushed further. The reading of this book will encourage critical discussion of religion, gender issues, politics, and culture in the classroom. During the unit, the students will become aware of Middle Eastern culture and modern politics, which most of them know little to nothing about.

Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100

Persepolis (Chapter Summaries)

Most of my students know a lot about American and Hispanic culture; however, there is a deficit of knowledge when it comes to cultures outside of their own. Moreover, most everything the students know about the Middle East comes from a westernized perspective. The content of this unit seems a very appropriate way for my students to widen their cultural lens and global understanding. Students find this text relatable, even though most of them are learning about Middle Eastern culture for the first time.

Found: 4 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100

Persepolis Quiz

Students find the story relatable because they are struggling to figure out their world, just as Marjane, the main character, does. Students find this text engaging, not only because of the interesting storyline and the relatable main character, but also because of the medium the story is told through. Because the story is written as a graphic novel, the students must engage visually, a skill that comes naturally to them because of the visual world in which they have grown up. I've never explicitly focused on visual literacy in the classroom. Teaching a graphic novel, such as Persepolis, will help develop this skill and encourage discussion.

Found: 14 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100

Persepolis Will Be The Toughest Test Of My Career: Glan Martins

School Background When teaching a unit, teachers must understand the demographics of the school for deeper understanding of the needs of the students. Hubbard High School is a public school located on the southwest side of Chicago. The school is comprised of fewer than students. We also have a small Asian population, and many of these students are English Language Learners. There is a small population of Caucasian students. Hubbard is also home to an award-winning ROTC program and chorus.

Found: 13 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100

Persepolis: The Story Of A Childhood Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Moreover, we also boast a successful football team; we even had several students from Hubbard go on to the NFL. Like many Chicago public schools, our school has dealt with problematic issues, yet it is referred to as one of the best public neighborhood schools on the southwest side of the city. Hubbard opened in as an elementary school, and years later it was turned into a high school. In the past, our school has suffered from overcrowding, but this problem has been alleviated somewhat. Still, many teachers move from room to room to teach classes.

Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100

Persepolis Book Quiz

Our teachers and administrators always praise our "family-like" atmosphere because of the tight-knit community. Our school has one of the highest attendances in our network, among its other accomplishments. Our staff and community are working to meet the needed requirements to take us off academic probation. We also have a literacy team that focuses on sharing literacy lessons with the staff. Our teachers are working to build curriculum that speaks to our students and addresses the skills they need to develop. Persepolis will help achieve this goal. Chicago Public School students, in general, face many challenges. Furthermore, the city of Chicago has one of the highest crime rates in the country. My students are witnesses to violence.

Found: 13 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100

Persepolis Test Questions

The richness of the content will allow the students to achieve the objectives of the unit. Objectives—What Content and Skills? At the end of this unit, students will be able to discuss images through a critical lens and will be able to write about the events depicted in Persepolis with a critical understanding. The students will understand the Islamic Revolution, along with the events that led up to it and then the events that came after. They will gain knowledge about Middle Eastern culture by looking at Iran through the eyes of Marjane, the main character. As a class, students will also think about the intended audience of the book and the effect that gives. The students will be looking at the theme of perception by analyzing the lens through which Marjane Satrapi tells the story. We will examine certain aspects of her life that mold her perception, such as her parents' values, her family's economic status, and the location of her home.

Found: 15 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

WT2 Q4 (Persepolis)

We will look at the perception of culture from the outside looking in and the inside out. The students will be able to compare other accounts of growing up in Iran to Marjane's. They will explore the culture from different angles. We will look at the images from the text through our own American lens and will also attempt to widen that lens through the reading of non-fiction articles. Furthermore, the culminating project will include a presentation by the students.

Found: 17 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100

Kahoot! Resources

The presentation will evaluate their ability to combine words and pictures into their own memoir. The teaching of this unit will align with many of the Common Core Standards. Essential Questions Here is a list of essential questions that will guide the unit. In alignment with its objectives, the students will be answering these questions. Through the study of the content, the students will gain a further understanding of these concepts and terms. How can they skew them? In order to scaffold learning for students, the class will start with basic terms and concepts and work up to more challenging higher-order thinking.

Found: 8 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

Persepolis: The Story Of A Childhood Multiple Choice Test Questions

We will start with the understanding of the graphic novel. The students will understand the purpose of the graphic novel, a brief history of the graphic novel, and the value these texts add to the development of strong visual literacy. From this basis the students will work their way up to more complex skills, such as comparing their own culture with Marjane's and analyzing the differences and similarities. The term is not strictly defined. Most academic articles claim that graphic novels can be fiction or nonfiction. These books blend images and text in the form of comics and are written in chapter form.

Found: 10 Apr 2021 | Rating: 86/100

Challenging Perceptions: Persepolis Beyond The American Lens

You could have turned this into a live action film. MS: For the comics it was not really a choice because this is just my way of expressing myself. I love to draw and I love to write [but] as soon as I only write I become very serious. I lose my sense of humor. The drawing for me is really the narration. Whatever I don't write, I draw. It helps me to express myself. So that was not even a choice for me. For the movie, it is dangerous when you have a comic book to adapt, people think it is just sufficient to take a camera and film the frames one after the other. So knowing this danger, Vincent and I we really concentrated on making a cinematic language, and again animation became an evident and obvious choice because of the fact that we wanted to make the story universal.

Found: 12 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100

Reading Lolita/ Persepolis 2 | Literature Quiz - Quizizz

When you make a real movie you have to put it in a geographical place with some type of human being, and of course it becomes this story of these Middle Easterners, it becomes a nice version of Not Without My Daughter [a movie with Sally Field trying to get her daughter out of Iran]. The animation actually helped us just because of the abstraction of the drawing. It became much more universal because everyone could identify. MS: It is hand drawn animation. If you came to our studio it looks more like a studio in the fifties than one in It is not a battle against tri-dimensional animation because they are masterpieces that are made in this technique. Animation is just a technique. For what we wanted to say and for what we wanted to keep from the comic books it was necessary to make it hand drawn. So we made this animation in black and white because we have really different layers of narration.

Found: 28 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100

Persepolis Quiz | Sirknightj

So going from one narration to the other one, without falling into vulgarity, this black and white style helped us to have different narrations and keeping a coherence of style. And the good thing is that people that watch this movie, the best thing that I've heard, is after ten minutes I forget that it is an animated movie. They watch it as a movie and I think that is great. BA: Talk about the style of animation, how it actually looks.

Found: 23 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100

Persepolis Test Pdf

MS: We have sixteen years of life to cover and we have a one and a half hour movie. So we had to find ways to show the things without becoming boring or too much of something. So for a historical scene, for example, just because we didn't have the pretension of being a historian of Iran, we chose [the style of] a puppet scene that is the imagination of somebody who sees history from afar. For the scenes that Marjane doesn't see, like the scenes of the revolution, we chose the silhouette kind of style. That was a way to make the movie keep the dynamism until the end. So it was just finding solution after solution after solution. BA: I read that you refer to your animation style as stylized realism. MS: I don't know if it is realism because it is not realistic.

Found: 2 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100

Persepolis Chapter Questions With Answers

But at the same time it is realistic. I was very influenced by German expressionism for the use of black and white. I'm a big fan of Murnau's work [he made the silent film Nosferatu ]. When we were working on the backgrounds for the animation, we were talking about that to make people understand what we really wanted with the shadings, and the relationships between the black and white and grays. Also I am very much influenced by Italian neo-realism for the scenes of the family. That was actually the most difficult thing to do because making a movie about incredible things is not very difficult. The most difficult thing is to make a scene with the family sitting in the living room and they're talking. How to make that interesting? So we thought about neo-realism.

Found: 28 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100

Persepolis Quiz

There are lots of things that go from literature to poetry to paintings -- this is the result of a life of the things that you have seen that have touched you, that they have moved you. So the film is all of that. BA: What did you hope to achieve with this visual approach? MS: If I have a goal and if there is a message, I think, as an artist I stay humbled to the change that we can make with artwork in the world.

Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100

Persepolis: The Story Of A Childhood Quizzes | GradeSaver

But the thing is to ask the question. As artists we ask the questions. If you were me what would you do? So that is me asking the question without having an answer. So if at the end of the book or the end of the movie people could relate enough to say these are people exactly like us, this is just a question of human beings, its not a question of where you were born, its not a question of human type or a question of religion, its just a question of human beings, then we have reached our goal. So it has a very humanistic message. Persepolis Sony Pictures Classics BA: You had to condense your book and leave certain things out to make the movie, correct? MS: When you make a movie about 16 years of life, if you want to put everything in it then you make four movies in one. We decided upon the turning point of exile, her exile.

Found: 17 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

Persepolis (Chapter Summaries) |

When I started writing the script I was very nostalgic and the whole structure of the movie begins at the airport. She doesn't have a ticket to go back [to Teheran], so she sits there and remembers her life. So every choice that we make was to come to this turning point and nostalgia. Obviously if we made the movie today when I'm less nostalgic, it would have gone in another direction. BA: There's an unexpected humor in your storytelling. And people may be surprised by the points at which humor and horror commingle, as when Marjane is shocked by her uncle's stories about prison and torture but then she and her friends decide to play a game of torture the next day.

Found: 12 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100

IB English A: Language & Literature: WT2 Q4 (Persepolis)

And laughter is something that you share with someone. You cry all alone. But you laugh with somebody. So it's a question of communication and it's the height of understanding of the other one. No matter where we show it people laugh at the same places so it gives me hope actually. BA: My mom grew up during the war in France and when she described things to me she pointed out that kids are kids no matter what, and that's what I think you captured in that scene with the kids playing torture. MS: Yes, exactly. Kids are kids everywhere, humans are humans and that's it. In this separation that they have made in the world like the East and West, and the South and North, and Christian and Muslim, as if all the Muslims were one person and all the Christians were another person, but it's not like that.

Found: 25 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100

Persepolis/Interview With Marjane Satrapi | KPBS

If there is a separation then it is between the fanatic stupid people and the rest of the people. But the fanatics are all over the world we don't have them only in Iran. What was she like? MS: She was of course a major character in my life because she was a very straight person and it was not very easy to live with her.

Found: 20 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100

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Persepolis Test Answers

Found 8678 results for: Persepolis Test Answers [GET] Persepolis Test Answers | HOT! It's not a miracle potion, but little by little y...