Ielts Fever Reading Test 55 Answers

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[GET] Ielts Fever Reading Test 55 Answers

In , Mount Everest claimed the lives of its first two climbers. George Mallory and Andrew Irvine were two British climbers, attempting to reach the summit. The men were last seen heading for the top of the mountain until clouds surrounded Everest...

Found: 24 May 2021 | Rating: 94/100

[FREE] Ielts Fever Reading Test 55 Answers

On the 29th of May that year, the duo conquered this epic mountain, standing at the highest point in the world for a brief 15 minutes. After a brief but fruitless search for evidence of the Mallory expedition, they buried across and some candy in...

Found: 24 May 2021 | Rating: 98/100

Metropolis Movies Ielts Reading Answers

Who suggested that the name Everest be used to refer to the mountain? Which country prevented explorers climbing Everest until ? What has not yet been recovered? Who was photographed at the top of the mountain? Mortality rates on Everest have consistently declined since Hillary found evidence of the Mallory expedition. Both Hillary and Norgay received recognition of their achievement from Britain. Hillary was the first person to reach the South Pole by mechanised transport.

Found: 21 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 55 With Answers

Reading Passage 2 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions , which are based on Reading Passage 2 below. Recent research in Hong Kong indicates that staying in bed after a long week at school is just what children need to avoid becoming obese, The research, which focused on children aged five to fifteen, discovered that those who slept late on Saturdays and Sundays decreased the probability of having weight problems as they grew up.

Found: 17 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100

General Reading Practice Test For IELTS PDF 30 Tests

Published in the journal Paediatrics, the findings add to previous research that indicated a connection between regular sleep deprivation and obesity. The scientists involved believe the weekend lie-in is vital for school-age children to catch up on the sleep they lose during a busy week at school. Since the s, obesity rates among children in the UK and in the United States have been on the rise and medical and childcare experts fear diabetes and heart disease epidemic is developing. Although estimates for obesity rates have recently been lowered, current expectations are that close to one in three boys aged from two to eleven are likely to be overweight or obese by the year The prediction for girls is slightly over one in four, a much lower prediction than ten years ago when forecasts were that almost half would be overweight.

Found: 21 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100

IELTS Mock Test 2021 September

Yun Kwok Wing of Hong Kong University and other experts investigated the possibility that catching up on sleep at the weekends would help youngsters to overcome such disruption of the bodies metabolism. They questioned the parents of over 5, schoolchildren and accumulated data on diet, lifestyle, weight and sleeping habits. During school time, the average amount of sleep was a little over nine hours on average. However, a surprising number of kids slept well under eight hours a night. What the researchers found most interesting was that those children who managed to catch up on missed sleep on the weekend actually remained relatively slim while those who did not have a higher probability of putting on weight as measured by body mass index, or BMI.

Found: 23 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 55 Answer Key

Our study suggests sleeping longer on weekends or holidays could lower the risk of being overweight or obese. The study authors mentioned that reduced sleep duration has become a hallmark of modern society, with people generally sleeping one to two hours less than a few decades ago and children were no exception to this. However, the researchers were not quite sure why obese and overweight children were less likely to sleep late on weekends but indicated that they tended to spend more time doing their homework and watching television than their normal-weight peers. The precise nature of the link between short sleep duration and obesity remains unclear, said Mary A. Write your answers in boxes on your answer sheet. NB, Your answers may be given in any order. Researchers discovered that overweight children tend to sleep more. The researchers believe the weekend lie-in is very important for busy children.

Found: 27 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100


A study looking into sleep deprivation and the effect on body metabolism. Advice for parents concerned about their children becoming overweight. Write the correct letter A-L in boxes on your answer sheet. Reading Passage 3 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions , which are based on Reading Passage 3 below. Particularly in times of economic downturn, efficiency is of supreme importance across all industry bases; whilst companies may be looking to cut their costs, many still invest in staff motivation, training and development programmes, having developed an understanding of just how crucial strong internal relationships can be for success.

Found: 27 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100

50 Ielts Academic Reading Practice Test Pdf With Answers

A cohesive unit that minimises friction, she believes, can, however, be developed in any organisation committed to investing in its people. Whilst the taking on of external expertise for staff training and team building programmes can be costly, a number of companies, particularly those with a robust human resources department, are undertaking the training themselves.

Found: 16 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100

IELTS Academic Reading Test 35 With Answers

Liaison Wizards, established in and headed by Jeff Blackshaw, offers free training and development advice to companies wishing to offer motivation seminars designed in house, in the belief that contextualized training is always more effective. Blackshaw likens the key to successful corporate team building to the tactics employed in a less formal sporting environment. He says that bonds, connections and empathy developed between members of a rugby team, for example, can also be developed within a department in the business world or even at the company level.

Found: 17 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100


He says that good teamwork is fostered by respect, encouragement, shared enthusiasm and a caring and supportive workplace. Trying to exploit or dictate to personnel is sure to lead to failure, Blackshaw says. Brian Osbourne, Human Resources Director of Opmax Inc, believes that programmes developed in house are inherently more likely to be of greater success than external offerings for two main reasons. Most importantly, he says, people are much easier to motivate if they themselves can be involved in designing and deciding activities — this level of consultation at the planning stage is much easier to achieve for an internal department than an external consultant.

Found: 10 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

IELTSFever Listening Practice Test 8 Answers

This leads to the identification of the inhibitors preventing the achievement of those goals and the introduction of enablers that will assist in goal achievement. This is followed by stage four — the final stage, where outcomes are measured and from that point on are monitored to ensure that goals are achieved and continue to be achieved. In stages 2 and 3 identifying barriers and introducing positive alternatives Edwards believes that the use of humour goes a long way towards relationship building on a personal level through the development of empathy and removal of antipathy, ultimately fostering cooperation and support on a more formal level.

Found: 9 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100

The Nature Of Addiction, Poisonous Animals, Problem Solving And Decision Making - Reading Answers

Alan Kidman, HR Manager of Tellam Industries agrees that the use of humour and games within a training context can go a long way towards helping an organisation achieve its goals. He has recently designed a two-month-long in house team building programme for senior management and will soon be delivering the first of a series of 8 workshops and activities. The goal of the project, he says, was to strengthen communication and support within the extremely diverse departments of the organisation. Heads of six departments, collectively responsible for over staff members, are to be involved in the series of seminars. Previously the organization has taken a more formalized approach to staff development training relying on methods such as psychometric testing discussions, motivational conferences, and formal appraisals. The new, and as yet untried, approach will challenge participants in, by comparison, rather radical ways.

Found: 3 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 69 With Answers

One initiative, for example, requiring the writing, organization and delivery of a theatrical performance to which all staff members will be invited to view. Team building and motivational approaches include a wide variety of methodologies, techniques, theories and tools. Experts generally agree that different options may succeed or fail to depend upon the culture of the organisation in which they are implemented. A fit with the personalities involved in crucial to success. Not only is the delivery of appropriate training sessions themselves important but professional and measurable follow up is also a must. Typical stresses of working with different people are removed with the correct training. Liaison Wizards claims that training has increased their income every year since the company started.

Found: 27 Apr 2021 | Rating: 86/100


Movie of Metropolis …being the science-fiction film that is steadily becoming a fact A When German director Fritz Lang visited the United States in , his first glimpse of the country was a night-time view of the New York skyline from the deck of an ocean liner. This, he later recalled, was the direct inspiration for what is still probably the most innovative and influential science-fiction film ever made — Metropolis.

Found: 8 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100

Metropolis Movies Ielts Reading Answers - OCI CLASSES

B Metropolis is a bleak vision of the early twenty-first century that is at once both chilling and exhilarating. This spectacular city of the future is a technological marvel of high-rise buildings connected by elevated railways and airships. Presiding over them all is the Master of Metropolis, John Fredersen, whose sole satisfaction seems to lie in the exercise of power. The function of the individual machines is never defined. Instead, this mass of dials, levers and gauges symbolically stands for all machines and all industry, with the workers as slave-live extensions of the equipment they have to operate. Lang emphasizes this idea in the famous shift-change sequence at the start of the movie when the workers walk in zombie-like geometric ranks, all dressed in the same dark overalls and all exhibiting the same bowed head and dead-eyed stare.

Found: 26 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 54 With Answers

An extraordinary fantasy sequence sees one machine transformed into a huge open-jawed statue which then literally swallows them up. D On one level the machines and the exploited workers simply provide the wealth and services which allow the elite to live their lives of leisure, but on a more profound level, the purpose of all this demented industry is to serve itself. Power, control and the continuance of the system from one hour shift to the next is all that counts. The city consumes people and their labour and in the process becomes a perverse parody of a living being. E It is enlightening, I think, to relate the film to the modern global economy in which multinational corporations now routinely close their factories in one continent so that they can take advantage of cheap labour in another.

Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

IELTSFever Listening Practice Test 8 Answers - IELTS Fever

Instead, their aims are to sustain the momentum of their own growth and to increase the monetary rewards to a tiny elite — their executives and shareholders. Fredersen himself is the essence of the big company boss: Rupert Murdoch would probably feel perfectly at home in his huge skyscraper office with its panoramic view of the city below. And it is important that there is never any mention of government in Metropolis — the whole concept is by implication obsolete. F So far so good: when the images are allowed to speak for themselves the film is impeccable both in its symbolism and in its cynicism. G Lang wrote the screenplay in collaboration with his then-wife Thea von Harbou. In he fled from the Nazis and continued a very successful career in Hollywood.

Found: 15 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100

Academic Test 55 Scratching The Surface THE ANDERTON BOAT LIFT

In the future, the mindless masses of workers living underground are treated as 32………………………. And the master of them is 33……………………….. The writer claims that the director, Fritz Lang, presents the movie in an 34……………………….. Besides the writer compares the film to the modern global economy in which multinational corporations concern more about the growing 36………………………….. Questions Write your answers in boxes on your answer sheet. A Because Lang sticks to theme in a symbolic way. B Because workers are more important to exploit. C Because the fantasy sequence is difficult to take. D Because the focus of the movie is not about machines. B The movie has a poor implication in symbolism. C The movie is perfect in all aspects. D The movie is good but could be better. Answers:- Metropolis movies ielts reading answers Passage 3.

Found: 6 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100

General Reading Practice Tests Free 30 Tests

Reading Passage 2 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions which are based on Beading Passage 2 below. Poisonous Animals A. Often benign and beautiful, there are so many potential dangers, often lethal, hidden in the natural world that our continued existence on the planet is actually quite astounding. Earthquakes, tsunami and volcanoes are some of the natures more cataclysmic risks but fade in comparison to the dangers presented by the more aggressive flora and fauna around the world. There are two classes of creature that use chemicals in either attack or defence, but it is important to draw a distinction between those that are considered poisonous and those that are venomous.

Found: 16 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 45 With Answers

A poisonous creature is one that has a chemical component to dissuade potential predators; they usually secrete toxins through their skin so that their attacker is poisoned. A venomous creature, on the other hand, is not so passive — they use toxins not in defence but in the attack. This differentiation is often seen in the colouring of the creatures in question — those with poisonous toxins are often brightly coloured as a warning to potential predators, whereas those classed as venomous are often camouflaged to blend in with their surroundings, making them more efficient hunters.

Found: 27 Apr 2021 | Rating: 86/100

Academic Reading Practice Tests With Answers Free PDF 50 Test Files Part 1 IELTS Exam

One of the most poisonous animals know to man is the poison arrow frog, native to Central and South America. Secreting poison through its skin, a single touch is enough to kill a fully grown human in fact, the frog earned its name from the practice of putting tiny amounts of this poison onto blow darts used by the native population mainly for hunting and, historically at least, also for battle. It is interesting to note, however, that when bred in captivity, the dart frog is not actually poisonous — it generates its protection from its diet of poisonous ants, centipedes and mites. Another poisonous creature is the pufferfish, which is actually served as a delicacy in Japan. Although there are many hundreds, even thousands of poisonous fauna, the number of venomous animals on the planet far exceeds their number, perhaps the most well-known of which are snakes and spiders.

Found: 10 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100

Blue-footed Boobies 2 | Academic Reading | Solved

In the snake world, the most lethal is the Inland Taipan. Able to kill up to humans with the intensity of the toxin in one bite, it can cause death in as little as 45 minutes. Fortunately, they are not only very shy when it comes to human contact there is also a known antivenin cure , although this needs to be administered quickly. In the arachnid world, the spider that has been identified as being the most venomous is the Brazilian wandering spider. It is responsible for the most number of human deaths of any spider, but perhaps more alarmingly it is true to its name, hiding during daytime in populated areas, such as inside houses, clothes, footwear and cars. When scientifically calculating the most venomous, there are two points which are considered: how many people can be killed with one ounce of the toxin, and how long it takes for death to occur. Without a doubt, the overall winner in this category is the box jellyfish. Found mainly in waters in the Indo-Pacific area, they are notorious in Australia and have even been seen as far south as New Zealand.

Found: 9 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100

(PDF) IELTS-Reading-Practice-Testspdf | Loc Truong -

Each tentacle has billions of stinging cells, which, when they come into contact with others, can shoot a poisonous barb from each cell. These barbs inject toxins which attack the nervous system, heart and skin cells, the intense pain of which can cause human victims to go in shock, drown or die of heart failure before even reaching shore. Questions According to the information in the passage, classify the following information as relating to: A Poisonous creatures C Both poisonous and venomous creatures Write the correct letter, A, B or C in boxes on your answer sheet 13 are protected by secretions on their skin. Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?

Found: 19 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

Academic Test 55 Scratching The Surface THE ANDERTON BOAT LIFT

Write your answers in boxes on your answer sheet. Reading Passage 3 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27 — 40 which are based on Reading Passage 3. In the business world, much as in life in general, there are challenges that need to be faced, problems that need solutions and decisions that need to be made and acted upon. Over recent years, the psychology behind problem-solving and decision making in a business context has been analysed and taught at a tertiary level. Marie Scrive, a senior lecturer at Carling University, argues that poor management skills can be identified in many areas, but few are perhaps as illustrative as the ability to make accurate judgements about a course of action to overcome an obstacle.

Found: 2 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100

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